You know how you have an epiphany and then you sort of forget it, then it comes up again...and again...and again? Well I now have photo I can look at to remind me of this particular one. I constantly have to be reminded that there is beauty all around me - if I just look and am open to it. I'm the sort that gets out of sorts if things are going how I think they should and I fall blind to all the beauty that is around me. I'm then reminded by various people in my life or at times just something in me will shake me and remind me that there is beauty every where.
My friend Amanda's photo that you see here was taken in an HEB (local market) parking lot. I'm still reeling. From the beauty for sure, and then on top of it where she took it. See, I'd have missed this. I hate HEB, with a passion that burns hotter than a thousand suns. So yeah, I'd have not seen this at all. This photo is definitely a reminder that there is beauty all around me. I just need to see it.
For the song, I'm using what to me is THEE most beautiful song ever
Virginia Rodrigues "Deus Do Fogo e Da Justica"
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