tempered with great sadness as my 1920's underworld fix is coming to an end with "Boardwalk Empire"'s season finale tonight. None the less, I have a NY strip marinating as I type. I'll miss my Sunday night ritual as my HBO Overlords have seen fit to not debut any of my other shows until January. Clearly I have angered the gods as is my want. I shall atone.
Since I was deeply disappointed by DeNiro's "SNL" appearance last night, I am posting his BEST scene in "The Untouchables". I like the "kid" they have playing Capone in "Boardwalk..", but it was making me mental because he's allegedly Capone in his early 20's and every time I look at him I can't shut up that he looks older than me. He is - by a few years. Still he rocks and I told feel like he is Capone now.
"A man become preeminent he's expected to have enthusiasms".
That's eloquence, my Friends. : P
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