Last night was wonderful. As one person said "I feel like I'm at an adult dinner party" to which I squealed like 5 year old who had decades of planning finally come together. It was like Fate organized the dinner (because I sure didn't/I'll be a bit more proactive next time). I made the Apple/Walnut/Gorgonzola Crostini, except I didn't. I did apples, walnuts, and bleu cheese and I forgot sage/garlic but NO ONE was complaining. In fact, I got all the praise my "PLEASE LOVE ME" inner child needed.
Then we had a gorgeous salad that E. brought and I will be having for lunch today. Thanks, E.!!!
Next we had T. bringing it with the olives and assorted rustic breads and olive oil. That may or may not have been attacked after the last guest left (it's the former). Thanks, T.!!!
Then we had L. double bring it. #1 WINE. E & I were getting a bit parched so that was a delightful addition. You know how dinner parties can dehydrate you. Then she brought this delectable pasta dish that I wish I had saved more room for. (Filling up on bread, honestly, what a rookie move!!) Thanks, L.!!!
Next A. & J. arrived with wine (woot!) and this mega-awesome Mediterranean soup (which I also filled up on, but it was too good not to). It was like eating at my mother-in-law's except this was good. OHHHHH YES I DID!!!!!!! Thank you A. & J. and awesome meeting you, J.!!!
Last but NOT least, R. brought it with wine (my hero) and this amazing pasta dish that was a medley of awesomeness. I also wish I had more room to really savor this. Soooo tasty. Thanks, R.!!!
So that was the food. So delicious. It was incredible how we ended up with a perfectly balanced table. I guess my friends and I all share a deep, psychic, food bond. :)
I loved the evening so much and can't wait till Oscar Night (Feb 27) when we do it all again.
Note: Peppard is SO the original Hannibal, but Neeson looks so damn sexy in this pic I had to go with this one. Plus I liked the new "A-Team" movie. I don't know why everyone was bagging on it.
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