When I moved to Texas I got rid of almost all my possessions. Most things were very dear to me, but had memories I didn't want to bring with me (nice try). In the process of selling these things I met at least 1/2 a dozen awesome people who I had nice convos with, got a sense of their lives and had a nice feeling that these things that meant so much to me were going to a nice place.
I have had the same experience in what I have purchased from CL. I just had a nice hour long convo with the man who brought me the dresser I've been dreaming of. I've needed a dresser forever, but wanted only a special one and I got it. It will mean even more to me know with the conversation I just had. You know when you meet someone and they just really need to talk? Well I think he did. He saw my house and had a MAJOR flashback to his Grandmother's house where he grew up. He described the layout of her house (before he was in mine enough to see it all) and it was really almost identical to mine. He talked and talked and talked about it. It was so great. It seemed like he was really having a moment and I (well the house really) just happened to be the catalyst. He told me several different memories he had as a boy in the house. It was so sweet.
This dresser was special and now it is even more thanks to his sharing.
(needless to write the pic does NOT do it justice. it's LOVELY)
Thank you, Craigslist!!!
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